During April and May 2024 the Council consulted on Main Modifications to the Regulation 19 Submission Local Plan (SD01) which have been recommended by the Inspectors as being needed to make the plan ‘sound’. The changes are proposed to address the Inspectors’ Initial Findings (ED45) and changes agreed during the hearing sessions themselves, including some of those proposed in the Council’s hearing statements and Statements of Common Ground. All main modification documents are available on the Main Modifications Consultation webpage and should be referenced alongside SD01 above.
Representations made during the consultation on the modifications and the councils response to them are available on the Main Modifications Consultation webpage . These have been sent to the Inspectors undertaking the independent Examination.
The Council are now awaiting receipt of the Inspectors final report into the soundness of the Local Plan (including Main Modifications). Following this, and dependent on the content of their report, the council intend to progress towards adoption of the plan later in 2024 (anticipated autumn) in accordance with the Local Development Scheme (LDS)