Examination Documents

ED1 - Programme Officer notification to Regulation 19 representors. Published 26/04/2023

21/04/2023 Programme Officer notification to Regulation 19 representors

ED2 - DDC Letter to Inspectors regarding the Sustainability Appraisal. Published 05/05/2023

02/05/2023 DDC Letter to Inspectors regarding the Sustainability Appraisal

ED3 - Selection of Site Allocations - Housing Sites Addendum. Published 05/05/2023

April 2023 Selection of Site Allocations - Housing Sites Addendum

ED4 - Inspectors' Initial Questions to the Council. Published 23/05/2023

19/05/2023 Inspectors' Initial Questions to the Council

ED5 - Council's Response to Inspectors' Initial Questions. Published 21/06/2023

ED5 16/06/2023 Council's Response to Inspectors' Initial Questions

ED5A April 2021 Appendix 1: SoCG between Dover District Council (DDC) and Canterbury City Council (CCC)

ED5B Oct -Dec 2020 Appendix 2: Correspondence between DDC and CCC   

ED5C March 2021 Appendix 3: CCC response to DDC at Regulation 18 of Local Plan   

ED5D August 2022 Appendix 4: Notes of Duty to Cooperate meeting between DDC and CCC

ED5E 16/01/2023 Appendix 5: DDC response to CCC's Reg 18 consultation

ED5F March 2023 Appendix 6: SoCG on strategic highways between DDC, CCC and Swale Borough Council (SBC)

ED5G June 2023 Appendix 7: Duke of York roundabout Mitigation - 3rd Party Land

ED5H 13/01/2023 Appendix 8: Natural England Further Written Response

(please note letter 'I' was not used for the appendices)

ED5J 09/01/2023 Appendix 9: DDC Correspondence to Natural England   

ED5K 27/03/2023 Appendix 10: Correspondence Natural England (NE) to DDC

ED5L March 2023 Appendix 11A: Correspondence DDC and NE 28.03 and 31.03

ED5M March 2023 Appendix 11B: Attachment to correspondence at Appendix 11A  

ED6 - DDC Covering Letter 29th June. Published 26/07/2023

ED6 - DDC Covering Letter 29th June

ED7 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan - V3 July 2023. Published 26/07/2023

ED7 - Infrastructure Delivery Plan - V3 July 2023

ED7A - Appendices to IDP V3 July 2023

ED8 - DDC and NE SoCG Final Redacted June 2023. Published 26/07/2023

ED8 - DDC and NE SoCG Final Redacted June 2023

(Addendum to SoCG at ED30)

ED9 - SoCG DDC and DHB - Inland Terminals - Final 27/06/2023. Published 26/07/2023

ED9 - SoCG DDC and DHB - Inland Terminals - Final 27/06/2023

ED10 - Regulation 22 Consultation statement Part 2 Appendix G. Consultation on the SA appraisal: Non technical (NTS) and SA Addendum and ERRATA Sheet II. Published 27/07/2023

ED10 - Regulation 22 Consultation statement Part 2 Appendix G. Consultation on the SA appraisal:  Non technical (NTS) and SA Addendum and ERRATA Sheet II

 (this document is also in the examination library reference SD05e). 

ED11 - Schedule of Representations post submission (NTS and Addendum/Errata). Published 27/07/2023

ED11 - Schedule of Representations post submission (NTS and Addendum/Errata) 

(This document is also in the examination library reference SD04 and the responses are also available the Council’s consultation portal.) https://dover.objective.co.uk/portal

ED12 - Letter from Dover District Council to the Inspectors concerning Gypsy & Traveller need. Published 27/07/2023

ED12 - Letter from Dover District Council to the Inspectors concerning Gypsy & Traveller need

 ED12A - Appendix 1:  Gypsy & Travellers pitches need and supply update note

ED12B - Appendix 2:  Gypsy and Traveller Policies Proposed Modifications

ED13 - Inspectors' Examination Guidance Notes (V.1). Published 30/08/2023

ED13 - Inspectors' Examination Guidance Notes (V.1)

ED14 - Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions for Hearing Sessions. Published 30/08/2023

ED14 - Inspectors' Matters, Issues and Questions for Hearing Sessions

ED15 - Examination Hearings Programme. Published 30/08/2023

ED15 - Examination Hearings Programme *

* Please note this has now been superseded. Please see the Hearing Sessions Page for the most up to date version of the Hearing Sessions programme.

ED16 - Dover District Council and Dover Harbour Board - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED16 - Dover District Council and Dover Harbour Board - Statement of Common Ground.

ED17 - Dover District Council and Environment Agency - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

  ED17 - Dover District Council and Environment Agency - Statement of Common Ground.

ED18 - Dover District Council and Historic England - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED18 - Dover District Council and Historic England - Statement of Common Ground. 

ED19 - Dover District Council and Kent County Council - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED19 - Dover District Council and Kent County Council - Statement of Common Ground.

ED20 - Dover District Council and Hume Planning - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and landowners of SAP28 Published 23/10/23

ED20 - Dover District Council and Hume Planning - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and landowners of SAP28

ED21 - Dover District Council and Marine Management Organisation - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED21 - Dover District Council and Marine Management Organisation - Statement of Common Ground.

ED22 - Dover District Council and Persimmon Homes - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and Persimmon homes concerning SAP1 Whitfield Urban Expansion . Published 23/10/23

ED22 - Dover District Council and Persimmon Homes - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and Persimmon homes concerning SAP1 Whitfield Urban Expansion .

ED23 - Dover District Council and Sport England - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED23 - Dover District Council and Sport England - Statement of Common Ground.

ED24 - Dover District Council and Kent Downs AONB - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED24 - Dover District Council and Kent Downs AONB - Statement of Common Ground.

ED25 - Dover District Council and Hume Planning - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and Bean Family concerning SAP21. Published 23/10/23

ED25 - Dover District Council and Hume Planning - Statement of Common Ground between DDC and Bean Family concerning SAP21.

ED26 - Dover District Council and Axis Partnership concerning SAP24 Aylesham - Statement of Common Ground. Published 23/10/23

ED26 - Dover District Council and Axis Partnership concerning SAP24 Aylesham - Statement of Common Ground

ED27 - Dover District Council Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028 and appendices. Published 23/10/23

ED27 - Dover District Council Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028 and appendices

ED28 - Dover District Council Authority Monitoring Report 22-23 and appendices.. Published 23/10/23

ED28 - Dover District Council Authority Monitoring Report 22-23 and appendices.

ED29 - Dover District Council and Fernham Homes concerning SAP22 Land at Archers Low Farm - Statement of Common Ground. Published 03/11/23

ED29 - Dover District Council and Fernham Homes concerning SAP22 Land at Archers Low Farm - Statement of Common Ground. 

ED30 - Dover District Council and Natural England Addendum to Statement of Common Ground (ED8) between Dover District Council and Natural England

ED30 - Dover District Council and Natural England Addendum to Statement of Common Ground (ED8) between Dover District Council and Natural England 

ED31 - Dover District Council and Kent County Council Highways Statement of Common Ground Final. Published 16/11/2023

ED31 - Dover District Council and Kent County Council Highways Statement of Common Ground Final Nov 2023

ED32 - Dover District Council's opening statement at Hearing sessions. Published 16/11/2023

ED32 - Dover District Council's opening statement at Hearing sessions

ED33 - DDC housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (Regulation 18)

ED33 - DDC housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (Regulation 18)

ED33A - Appendix 4 - Regulation 18 suitability conclusions for Housing Sites                    

ED33B - Appendix 8 - Regulation 18 suitability conclusions for Employment Sites           

ED34 - Update on preparation of Canterbury City Local Plan

ED34 - Update on preparation of Canterbury City Local Plan

ED35 - The Planning Inspectorate - Appeal Ref: APP/X2220/A/10/2120746: Land rear of Bushley House, Mill Lane, Eastry, Sandwich, CT13 0JX (also known as site 393 in the KKP Open Space assessment - PMEB03a in the Submission Documents.)

Appeal Ref: APP/X2220/A/10/2120746: Land rear of Bushley House, Mill Lane, Eastry, Sandwich, CT13 0JX

ED36 - Elvington and Eythorne Settlement Hierarchy Scoring Note

ED36 - Elvington and Eythorne Settlement Hierarchy Scoring Note

ED37 - Update on Open Space designation in relation to recent planning application (Newlands backing onto A2 (KKP Site 280)

ED37 - Update on Open Space designation in relation to recent planning application (Newlands backing onto A2 (KKP Site 280)

ED38 - SAP14 and SAP16 (TC4S008) Pedestrian Access Note

ED38 - SAP14 and SAP16 (TC4S008) Pedestrian Access Note

ED39 - SAP17 indicative capacity assessment

ED39 - SAP17 indicative capacity assessment

ED40 - SAP18 response from KCC re coach parking

ED40 - SAP18 response from KCC re coach parking

ED41 - SAP21 indicative capacity assessment

ED41 - SAP21 indicative capacity assessment

ED42 - SAP52 indicative capacity assessment

ED42 - SAP52 indicative capacity assessment

ED43 - A256/A257 Junction and SAP24 Aylesham Note

ED43 - A256/A257 Junction and SAP24 Aylesham Note

ED44 - Whitfield Urban Expansion and Whitfield Roundabout Mitigation Expected Delivery Trajectory

ED44 - Whitfield Urban Expansion and Whitfield Roundabout Mitigation Expected Delivery Trajectory

ED45 - Inspectors' Initial Findings following Hearing Sessions

ED45 - Inspectors' Initial Findings following Hearing Sessions 

ED46 - Letter from Natural England to Dover District Council on Air Quality

ED46 - Letter from Natural England to Dover District Council on Air Quality

ED46A - Local Plan Air Quality Inputs

ED46A - Local Plan Air Quality Inputs

ED47 - Statement of Common Ground between Dover District Council and Canterbury City Council

ED47 - Statement of Common Ground between Dover District Council and Canterbury City Council 

ED48 - Schedule of Main Modifications. Published 11/04/24

ED48 - Schedule of Main Modifications

ED49 - Summary of Main Modifications. Published 11/04/24

ED49 - Summary of Main Modifications

ED50 - Schedule of Additional Modifications. Published 11/04/24

ED50 - Schedule of Additional Modifications 

ED51 - Policies Map Modifications Schedule. Published 11/04/24

ED51 - Policies Map Modifications Schedule

ED52 - Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal. Published 11/04/24

ED52 - Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal

ED53 - Habitats Regulation Assessment - Regulation 19 HRA updated 2024. Published 11/04/24

ED53 - Habitats Regulation Assessment - Regulation 19 HRA updated 2024

ED54 Responses received to the Main Modifications Consultation and Council’s comments on issues raised. Published 28/06/24

ED54 - Responses received to the Main Modifications Consultation and Council’s comments on issues raised.